Wildflower Seeds

We encourage everyone who can to have a wildflower area in their garden, and welcome wildflower seed donations to our seed swap.

Wildflowers are great for wildlife, including pollinators and predator insects, both of which are beneficial to our fruit and vegetable gardens.

If you are gathering wildflower seeds to donate to the seed swap, please record where they were gathered from, where they might grow best (full sun, shade, damp areas etc) and what might be included in the mix. 

The Wildflower Society offers sensible rules for gathering from the wild in its code of conduct. They say "Collecting wild flower seed for private gardening must also be done sparingly and only common species should be gathered."

Related resources

RFGN Guide to Growing French Beans

The Reading Food Growing Network guide to growing French beans, both climbing and dwarf.

Download: RFGN Guide to Growing French Beans (PDF format)

Seed Saving Guidelines

Seed saving guidelines and resources from Garden Organic

Top Tips for Seed Saving

Permaculture Magazine's tips on seed saving