Local Gardening Groups

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Education and Charities


Thrive is a national charity working to help people living with a disability or mental ill health use gardening to transform their lives. Advice is offered to disabled people whether they want to garden at home, on an allotment, in a community setting or alternatively wish to attend a structured therapy programme at one of its garden projects. Thrive is the leading charity in the UK dedicated to the use of horticultural therapy for the benefit of disabled people. We also carry out research and train professionals offering practical solutions so that those with a disability can enjoy gardening. For enquiries about attending our Trunkwell Garden Project in Beech Hill (near Reading) phone 0118 988 4844.

Location:Trunkwell Garden Project, Beech Hill
Contact details:Helen Beer, Client Services Coordinator
Telephone: 0118 988 5688
Email: trunkwell@thrive.org.uk
Web site:http://www.thrive.org.uk/

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