Local Gardening Groups

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Community Growing Groups

Southcote GrowAllot Community Allotment

The purpose of the organisation is to teach local residents the art of sowing, planting and maintaining a variety of vegetables, fruit and flowers. Allotment members will be able to share in the harvest of vegetables, fruit and flowers, be welcome to attend sessions run by the garden tutor on how to grow food and be expected to get involved in the management and maintenance of the site by attending the AGM and workdays.

Location:Florian Gardens, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3QG
Regular meeting arrangements:Place: Florian Gardens, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3QG
Time: Saturdays 10am-1pm, March to November
Contact details:James Doheny, Chair
Telephone: 07802 980040
Email: southcote.growallot@gmail.com

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